零件文件或 .part 扩展名是部分下载的文件。当下载正在进行或由于任何问题而中断时使用它,使下载管理器有机会尽可能恢复下载。 这意味着浏览器(例如 Firefox)或文件传输程序(例如 eMule、eMule plus、FlashGet 等)会在您的设备上进行下载时存储文件的一部分,称为 Part 文件。该部分文件将显示下载是否正在进行或在完成之前被中断。不仅如此,PART 文件还会存储所有数据,直到下载完成,这就是为什么如果您想再次开始下载,以后可以恢复其中的一些数据。
There are few browsers that break large download files into smaller downloads and assign each portion a .part extension. These files can be seen in the “Download" folder. Once the download is finished, the browser will combine all the PART files to give a final downloaded file. For example, while downloading a file from Firefox, the download manager will store the data being downloaded in a PART file and replaces the name with certain characters, and add a .part extension at the end, such as doodle.or becomes JKzMn.or.part. After completion, Firefox will remove the .part extension and the file will be ready to launch.