What is a WPS file?
A file with .wps extension is a Microsoft Works document that was used prior to 2006 as a word document. It was similar to the newly introduced DOC file format by then, but was not as much feature rick as the new file format. For example, it didn’t support macro functionality and advanced formatting options. WPS files can still be opened with modern Word processors, but for Windows 10, you need to install a converter to load these files. Microsoft Works was replaced by Microsoft Word document processor in 2010.
File Format Specifications
The file format specifications of WPS document is not available publicly as Microsoft didn’t open the specifications to end users. WPS are binary files and can be opened with file format conversion filters created by Microsoft for Word processor. LibreOffice, NeoOffice, and OxygenOffice have included a general C++ library, libwps, that can extract text from many different versions of Microsoft Works.
Other WPS files
Here are other file types that use the .wps file extension.