What is a KIT file?
A file with .kit extension is an HTML file that is created with the CodeKit programming language application. It contains imports
and variables
in addition to existing HTML files, making it ideal for static sites. CodeKit compiles KIT files to HTML that can be readily used as static website files.
KIT File Format
KIT files are HTML files that additionally include imports and variables. These are stored as plain text files and can be opened with any text editor or web file editors.
KIT File Imports
Almost any type of file can be imported into a Kit file. Following is the import syntax used to import files into a .kit file.
<!-- @import "someFile.kit" -->
<!-- @import "file.html" -->
When an import is added to a KIT file and saved, it is replaced with the text of the file being imported. You can also use @include instead of @import.
Multiple Imports in a KIT file
You may also import more than one file at a time by using a comma-separated list:
<!-- @import someFile, otherFile.html, ../thirdFile.kit -->