What is an ARO file?
An ARO file is a server side web page file that is generated with SteelArrow Web Application. It contains HTML and SteelArrow tags and scripts. These are executed on server to generate complete response page before sending these to user’s browser. ARO files contain almost 95% of HTML content while the remaining consists of SteelArrow code. For ARO files to work for you, SteelArrow Web Applications server should be installed and running on the web server machine.
ARO File Format
ARO files are written in HTML markup language file with embedded JavaScript code and Java applets. SteelArrow tags are the basic building blocks for development of web pages. Though these don’t change the display of the page, they are used to fill the page with data. In addition, they may also be used to control the output with conditional statements.
ARO Tag Example
The ARO tag lets developers to output data values at any place within a script. For example, it can be used to get the output of the PARAM table with that can be displayed within the HTML tag.