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\section*{Notes for My Paper}
Don't forget to include examples of topicalization.
They look like this:
\enumsentence{Topicalization from sentential subject:\\
\shortex{7}{a John$_i$ [a & kltukl & [el &
{\bf l-}oltoir & er & ngii$_i$ & a Mary]]}
{ & {\bf R-}clear & {\sc comp} &
{\bf IR}.{\sc 3s}-love & P & him & }
{John, (it's) clear that Mary loves (him).}}
\subsection*{How to handle topicalization}
I'll just assume a tree structure like (\ex{1}).
\enumsentence{Structure of A$'$ Projections:\\ [2ex]
& \node{i}{CP}\\ [2ex]
\node{ii}{Spec} & &\node{iii}{C$'$}\\ [2ex]
&\node{iv}{C} & & \node{v}{SAgrP}
Mood changes when there is a topic, as well as when
there is WH-movement. \emph{Irrealis} is the mood when
there is a non-subject topic or WH-phrase in Comp.
\emph{Realis} is the mood when there is a subject topic
or WH-phrase.