What is a DSD file?
The AutoCAD Drawing Set Description (DSD) file is a text file format utilized by Autodesk’s AutoCAD software that includes information regarding a set of drawings. This information includes the names and paths of individual drawings, along with various settings and metadata.
To create a DSD file, users can use the AutoCAD Batch Plot utility, which allows them to select the drawings they want to include in the set and specify various options and settings. Once the batch plot is complete, the DSD file is automatically created and saved alongside the drawings.
With the DSD file, users can conveniently manage and arrange multiple drawing files as a set, simplifying the process of printing, publishing, or plotting them together. It also enables users to store and retrieve various settings and configurations for the set. Additionally, it allows users to generate a batch plot of all the drawings within the set.
How to open DSD file?
To open a DSD file, users can use the AutoCAD Batch Plot utility or use the “Open” command in AutoCAD and select the DSD file. Once the DSD file is opened, users can view and edit the information it contains, such as the drawing names, paths, and settings.
How to edit a DSD file in AutoCAD?
Editing a DSD file in AutoCAD is a relatively simple process. To begin, open AutoCAD and navigate to the “Publish” tab in the ribbon. From there, click on “Sheet Set Manager” to open the Sheet Set Manager palette.
Locate the DSD file you want to edit in the Sheet Set Manager panel, then right-click on it. The context menu that displays lets you choose “Edit Sheet Set Properties.”
This will launch “Sheet Set Properties” dialogue box, which has a number of tabs with various DSD file editing options. You can add or remove certain drawings from set using the “Sheet List” tab, for instance, and you can customize various options for printing, publishing, or exporting the drawings in the set using the “Publish Options” tab.
Make necessary changes to DSD file using the various tabs in “Sheet Set Properties” dialog box, and click “OK” to save your changes. Your DSD file should now reflect the updated settings and configurations that you specified.