What is a SCM file?
An SCM file is a source code file created with Scheme programming language. It contains code written in the scheme syntax which is then executed by a Scheme interpreter. Scheme language was developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1970 and supports functional programming and associated techniques such as recursive algorithms. SCM files can be opened and edited in any text editor such as Microsoft Notepad, Notepad++, and Apple TextEdit.
SCM File Format
SCM files are created and saved in plain text format using any text editor. Scheme is part of the Lisp family of programming languages and is standardized in the official IEEE standard. Some distinguishing features of Schema programming language are as follow.
- Schema is a simple language that is much easier than many other languages of comparable power.Lexical Scope
- Schema is lexically scoped that makes possible variable bindings in a program unit and can be analyzed by reading the text of the program.Lambda Calculus
-Block Structure
- Schema programming language inherits its block structure from earlier lanugages such as ALGOL.Proper Tail Recursion
- Schema uses tail recursion to express iteration. It has iteration construct, do in addition.