What is an ASM file?
An ASM file is a program written in the low level programming language known as assembly language. It is primarily used for writing hardware related code such as for programming micro-controllers. Program is written using simple assembly language syntax that includes operators and operands to carry out different operations. ASM files are written and edited in text editors and are executed using an assembler program such as HLA, MASM, FASM, NASM, or GAS.
ASM File Format
ASM files consist of a sequence of operations that are executed by an assembler to generate object code. The resultant object code is a translation of combinations of mnemonics and addressing modes into their numerical equivalents.
ASM File Format Example
Following is an example of Hello World application for an x86 architecture.
global go
extern _ExitProcess@4
extern _GetStdHandle@4
extern _WriteConsoleA@20
section .data
msg: db 'Hello, World', 10
handle: db 0
db 0
section .text
; handle = GetStdHandle(-11)
push dword -11
call _GetStdHandle@4
mov [handle], eax
; WriteConsole(handle, &msg[0], 13, &written, 0)
push dword 0
push written
push dword 13
push msg
push dword [handle]
call _WriteConsoleA@20
; ExitProcess(0)
push dword 0
call _ExitProcess@4