What is a ZXP file?
A ZXP file serves as an extension, augmenting the functionalities of Adobe software like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects. In the past, Adobe Extension Manager facilitated the installation of ZXP files. Presently, the installation process requires the utilization of the Unified Plugin Installer Agent (UPIA) command-line tool, which comes bundled with the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application.
ZXP File Format
The term “ZXP” stands for “ZIP eXtension Package.” ZXP files are used to package and distribute extensions for Adobe Creative Cloud applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and others. A ZXP file is compressed using the ZIP format, which makes it easier to distribute and install extensions.
Inside a ZXP file, you’ll typically find the files required for the extension, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and any other assets needed to enhance or add features to Adobe Creative Cloud software.
How to install ZXP file?
ZXP files are installed using the Adobe Extension Manager or the Creative Cloud Desktop application. Users can simply double-click on a ZXP file, and the extension manager will handle the installation process.
ZXP files are designed to work across different operating systems, including Windows and macOS, making it convenient for developers to create extensions that can be used by a broad audience.
Security of ZXP File Format
ZXP files can be digitally signed by developers, ensuring that the extension has not been tampered with and comes from a trusted source. This helps maintain the security and integrity of Adobe Creative Cloud applications.
If you’re working with Adobe Creative Cloud extensions or developing one yourself, you may encounter ZXP files as a means of packaging and distributing your extension. However, the specifics of working with ZXP files might be subject to changes or updates by Adobe, so it’s a good idea to refer to the latest Adobe documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information.