Kas ir MPT fails?
A files with .mpt extension is Microsoft Project template files. This contains basic information and structure and document settings for creating MPP files. These templates provide default settings that are essential for a particular project, such as schedules or budget information. Although, it cannot save project-specific data such as tasks, resources, or assignments. Once modified, the template files can be saved as standard MPP files for further working with it. A master template file, titled “Global.mpt” is available in Microsoft Project, opened to create an individual template. MPT files use application/vnd.ms-project and application/x-project as standard MIME types. Windows, Linux, and macOS can all open MPT files, along with Moos Project Viewer, Microsoft Project, and MPXJ.
Vai ir problēmas, atverot MPT failu?
Šeit ir saraksts ar dažām izplatītām problēmām, kas var rasties un izraisīt MPT formāta nepareizu darbību:
- Atbalsta programmatūras trūkums
- Bojāts fails
- Inficēts fails vīrusa dēļ
- Sistēmā nav piekļuves tiesību, lai atvērtu failus
- Novecojis disks jūsu sistēmā
- Extension of the file is renamed