Kas ir AS2PROJ fails?
An AS2PROJ file is a project file created by the open source Flash programming IDE, FlashDevelop. It contains project related information such as build settings, references to project source files, and options for generating the output .swf file. Every new project created in FlashDevelop is saved as an AS2PROJ file. You can change the settings for your project and all these changes are saved to AS2PROJ file.
AS2PROJ failus var atvērt ar FlashDevelop.
AS2PROJ faila formāts
AS2PROJ fails tiek saglabāts XML faila formātā, kas ir universāls faila formāts informācijas apmaiņai. To var atvērt jebkurā teksta redaktorā, piemēram, Notepad, Notepad++ un Atom, lai pārbaudītu saturu.