Kas ir CXF fails?
CXF fails ir GIS fails, kas saglabāts koordinātu eXport formātā (CXF), ko izstrādājis HeightMap.org. Tas satur vektora attēlu datus organizētā veidā un var ietvert ĢIS datus vai vektorgrafiku, piemēram, zīmējumus.
CXF faila formāts — vairāk informācijas
CXF file is saved as plain text file and contains vector map (VMAP) coordinates for representation of geographic locations. Some of the vector map data that a CXF file can include terrain data, topographical information, landmarks, and buildings. CXF files can be exported to several different GIS file formats such as .AI, .XAML, .SVG, .EMF, .KML, and HTML5 formats.