Kas yra X3D failas?
X3D is an XML based 3D graphics file format for presentation of 3D information. It is a modular standard and is defined through several ISO specifications. The format supports vector and raster graphics, transparency, lighting effects, and animation settings including rotations, fades, and swings. It became successor of VRML file format in 2001. X3D pranašumas yra spalvų informacijos kodavimas (skirtingai nei STL), kuri naudojama spausdinant modelį spalvotu 3D spausdintuvu. Formatas turi VRML plėtinius, suteikiančius galimybę užkoduoti sceną naudojant XML sintaksę, taip pat į Open Inventor panašią VRML97 sintaksę arba dvejetainį formatavimą.
The abstract specification for X3D (ISO/IEC 19775) was first approved by the ISO in 2004. XML ir ClassicVRML koduotės, skirtos X3D (ISO/IEC 19776), pirmą kartą buvo patvirtintos 2005 m.
X3D failo formatas
X3D scenos failai turi bendrą failų struktūrą:
Failo antraštė (XML, ClassicVRML arba Compressed Binary)
X3D šakninio mazgo pradžia, įskaitant versijos ir profilio atributus
Galvos skyrius su komponentų ir meta teiginiais (abu neprivalomi)
X3D scenos grafikas ir antriniai jo mazgai
X3D šakninio mazgo pabaiga
X3D failo formato pavyzdys
<!-- -------------------- X3D header and X3D root node with profile declaration -->
<X3D profile#'Immersive' version#'3.2'
<!-- -------------------- head section with included meta data -->
<meta content#'HelloWorld.x3d' name#'title'/>
<meta content#'Simple X3D example' name#'description'/>
<meta content#'30 October 2000' name#'created'/>
<meta content#'7 August 2010' name#'modified'/>
<meta content#'Don Brutzman' name#'creator'/>
<meta content#'http://www.web3D.org' name#'reference'/>
<meta content#'http://x3dGraphics.com' name#'reference'/>
<meta content#'http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorld.x3d' name#'identifier'-lt/>
<meta content#'http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorldTall.png' name#'image'/>
<meta content#'http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/license.html' name#'license'/>
<meta content#'X3D-Edit 3.2, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit' name#'generator'/>
<!-- -------------------- the X3D scene node with X3D nodes -->
<!-- Example scene to illustrate X3D nodes and fields (XML elements and attributes) -->
<Viewpoint centerOfRotation#'0 -1 0' description#'Hello world!' position#'0 -1 7'/>
<Transform rotation#'0 1 0 3'>
<Material diffuseColor#'0 0.5 1'/>
<ImageTexture url#'"earth-topo.png" "earth-topo.jpg" "earth-topo-small.gif"
<Transform translation#'0 -2 0'>
<Text string#'"Hello" "world!"'>
<FontStyle justify#'"MIDDLE" "MIDDLE"'/>
<Material diffuseColor#'0.1 0.5 1'/>
<!-- -------------------- footer, closing X3D toot element -->