Cad is comhad DSC ann?
A file with .dsc extension is a text description file that contains information about the software that it comes with. It may contain text related to the product description, data parameters, minimum system requirements, or to other associated readme file. With the passage of time, DSC files have long been replaced by readme files that come bundled with the applications and contains instructions about any pre-launch setup of the software. DSC files are saved as plain text files and can be opened in popular text editors such as Microsoft Notepad, Notepad++, and Apple TextEdit.
Formáid Chomhaid DSC - Tuilleadh Eolais
Cruthaítear comhaid DSC agus stóráiltear iad ar diosca mar chomhaid gnáth-théacs. Is féidir iad seo a chur in eagar ach iad a oscailt in aon eagarthóirí téacs comhoiriúnacha ar nós Microsoft Notepad. Leanann DSC formáid gnáth-théacs cosúil le comhaid .txt agus is féidir sonraí ar bith faoi na bogearraí a líonadh isteach de réir feidhmiúlacht nó treoracha na mbogearraí.