Cad is comhad DISCO ann?
A DISCO file is a Microsoft Discovery file format that is used for publishing and discovering Web Services. It is stored in XML file format and lets the Web Services Discovery tools to locate or discover one or more related documents for describing the available XML services. DISCO file stores information such as discovery documents, XSD schemas, and service descriptions. XML Web services use this information to get to the available XML web services at a given URL.
Formáid Chomhaid DISCO - Tuilleadh Eolais
Déantar comhaid DISCO a shábháil i bhformáid comhaid XML. Uirlis Fionnachtana Microsoft (DISCO.exe), a thagann cuachta le bogearraí forbartha Microsoft ASP.NET mar Microsoft Studio, bain úsáid as na comhaid DISCO chun na sonraí faoi na seirbhísí Gréasáin XML atá liostaithe i DiscoveryDocument ag URL ar leith a fháil amach. Chuir Microsoft tacaíocht ar fáil chun comhaid fhionnachtana a léamh i gcreat .NET.