Mikä on ASC-tiedosto?
An ASC file is a script file created in ActionScript programming language. It contains code that is run on server side Flash Media Server hosting software. ASC file contains scripts that is used to control application events such as loading Flash applications, handling user actions from mouse and keyboard events, play multimedia content and render the application output. Adobe acquired Macromedia Flash that later became part of Adobe Creativity suit as Adobe Flash. It used to save animation files in .swf file format.
ASC-tiedostomuoto - lisätietoja
ASC-tiedostot tallennetaan tekstitiedostoina, jotka voidaan avata ja muokata {{HYPERLINKKI}}:lla. Nämä luodaan ja tallennetaan tekstitiedostoina, ja ne voidaan avata millä tahansa tekstieditorilla, kuten Microsoft Notepad, Notepad++ ja Apple TextEdit. ASC-tiedosto suoritetaan oletuksena, kun Flash Media Server ja sovellus suoritetaan.