Mikä on ODTTF-tiedosto?
An ODTTF file is a font file format that is utilized by the .XPS and Microsoft Office 2007 file formats. It contains obfuscated OpenType font that has been modified in order to make it difficult to extract the font’s design information or to reverse-engineer the font’s source code. ODTTF is based on the fonts used in the original documents but are not in plain format and may not be to read by third-party software to extract font data.
Voit avata ODTTF-tiedostoja Pagemark XpsViewerilla, Apple Safarilla Pagemark XpsPluginilla, Mozilla Firefoxilla Pagemark XpsPluginilla, NiXPS View ja NiXPS Edit.
ODTTF-tiedostomuodon sisäistä tiedostomuotorakennetta ei tunneta, koska ne tallennetaan upotettuna obfuskoituna muotona. Ne voidaan upottaa digitaalisiin asiakirjoihin, kuten .PDF tai .DOCX.