Hvad er DISCO fil?
A DISCO file is a Microsoft Discovery file format that is used for publishing and discovering Web Services. It is stored in XML file format and lets the Web Services Discovery tools to locate or discover one or more related documents for describing the available XML services. DISCO file stores information such as discovery documents, XSD schemas, and service descriptions. XML Web services use this information to get to the available XML web services at a given URL.
DISCO filformat - flere oplysninger
DISCO-filer gemmes i XML-filformat. Microsoft Discovery Tool (DISCO.exe), der leveres sammen med Microsoft ASP.NET-udviklingssoftware såsom Microsoft Studio, bruger DISCO-filerne til at finde detaljerne om XML-webtjenesterne, der er angivet i et DiscoveryDocument på en bestemt URL. Microsoft har ydet support til at læse opdagelsesfiler i .NET framework.