Hvad er en OXPS fil?
The file format OXPS is known as Open XML Paper Specification. It’s a page description language and document format. Microsoft is the developer of this format. OXPS file format is very much familiar to these PDF files. The setup of the OXPS file is the same as an XPS format. The only difference is the description of OXPS as an open format. The .oxps file extension is the most current version of the XPS file format originated by Microsoft and Ecma International. If we talk about the specification, the OXPS and XPS files are used to publish, share, and allocate fixed-layout documents. As a substitute to PDFs, the OXPS file format can store text and multimedia data, with arranging features and printing layout characteristics.
Kort historie
Microsoft-teamet valgte Global Graphics til at yde rådgivning om XPS i 2003, og udviklingsteamet arbejdede tæt sammen med Windows-teamene for at udvikle specifikationen og referencearkitekturen til det nye format. Med anerkendelse af XPS-specifikationerne oprettede Ecma International i juni 2007 Technical Committee 46 (TC46) for at udvikle en standard baseret på OpenXPS-specifikationen. Ecma International godkendt Open XML Paper Specification er en Ecma-standard (ECMA-388) ved den 97. generalforsamling afholdt i Budapest den 16. juni 2009.
[Microsoft - OXPS](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/you-cannot-open-an-oxps-file-in-windows-7-or-in-windows-server-2008 -r2-7b483a76-0fee-1bc8-8d09-4f30b9c0a251)