Hvad er en ERR fil?
An ERR file is a log file generated by AutoCAD to record information about any abnormal behaviour of the application. It includes information about incidents such as application crash, or any other similar events. This helps in improvement of the application by carrying out diagnosis of the problem. An ERR file may log information about the date and time, name of the drawing file opened that causes the application to crash, and description of the error. ERR files can be opened with Autodesk AutoCAD 2023.
ERR filformat
ERR-filer gemmes på disken som almindelige tekstfiler og kan også ses i en teksteditor. De mest almindeligt fundne ERR-filer inkluderer acad.err, der hjælper med at diagnosticere problemet. Det skal dog bemærkes, at ikke alle fejl er registreret i en ERR-fil, såsom den ikke-genkendte kommando og ugyldige bloknavne-fejl.
- [Improtance of the EndNote Data Folder](https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-Description-of-the-Data-folder-that-accompanies-enl-library-files?language= da_US)