What is a 3DM file?
A file with .3dm extension is an open-source file format that is used for 3D graphics software. It contains 3D models along with their dependent elements such as surface, points, and curve information. 3DM file format was developed by openNURBS initiative for accurately transferring 3-D geometry between applications. 3DM files can be opened and converted with applications such as Rhinoceros, SAP VEViewer, Moment of Inspiration, and Right Hemisphere Deep View.
3DM File Format
openNURBS, an open-source toolkit, contains the 3DM file format specifications, documentation, C++ source code libraries, and .NET 2.0 assemblies to read and write the file format.
3DM Example Files
Some example 3DM files can be downloaded from the openNURBS examples section. These can be loaded and displayed using the openNURBS toolkit.
How to read or write 3DM files?
The openNURBS libraries allow anyone to read and write the 3DM file format without the need for Rhino. It provides C++ source code for a library that will read and write 3D models using the openNURBS file format. This toolkit also provides NURBS evaluation tools and elementary geometric and 3D view manipulation tools as well as including source code for several example programs. The Rhinoceros support forums is a rich content and discussion place to share the problems faced by 3DM community and get the solutions.